Well on September 23, 2007 someone I knew on an adoption website I belong to knew of what had happened with our previous adoption and with Chase. Her name is Donna and she is such a blessing to many families. She advocates for Chinese orphans for agencies on different web sites. Well she contacted me with this list of children and I saw this little boy that just popped out at me. So I contacted the agency, "Bay Area Adoptions" and decided to look at this little boy, Hai Zi Gang, he was 15 months at the time. When Chad saw his pictures he was very impressed and after getting his medical file reviewed we decided to pursue him. It all happened in a matter of 5 days. It really is amazing because most waiting children lists people already are matched with the kids or it seems to be a wait and see what happens (if they pick you to be matched). There are many families that usally petition for a child so we really felt this little guy was led to us.
So we sent in our "LOI" Letter of Intent to the agency and had it translated at then it was sent to China. Around October 15, 2007 we were pre approved for our little guy, which means no one else can be matched with him. So now we are collecting all the paperwork, getting authentications and fingerprints done... etc etc LOTS of paperwork and also a waiting game. When all this is done (which we think should be done around Christmas) we will send our "dossier"(collection of papers) to China. We are hoping to travel anywhere from May-August... hopefully before just because the Olympics are in Beijing in August and we know it will be busy. The only thing is, is that Chad might be going over to Iraq for 6 months again in January. This hopefully will be his last time for awhile. He is signing up for his last reinlistment till he retires! 6 more years after June of next year.
I added some pictures under the Adobe section as I was not able to download the pictures in the right format from China. These are updated pictures of our little guy, direct from the orphanage. That was such a blessing. The China director at Bay Area has been so great in getting updated information on him. I will copy and paste what the diretor said in the next post.
I hope you all are doing well.