Saturday, September 27, 2008

Life in the hospital..

Well Aiden is still in the hospital, hopefully he will be released by tomorrow. He is doing well, but still is having his moments of crying. You can tell when his pain medicine has worn off that he needs some more. They tried holding back on the one medicine and just give tylenol but he was just really out of it (crying very hard). His blood pressure goes sky high when this happens so not the greatest thing for him. But all in all he is doing well. It is amazing that 4 days ago he had heart surgery and he is able to walk around for a few hours and play a little in the playroom. These are some pictures of his time in there. The one of him sweeping the floor cracks me up because Chad loves to sweep the floor, I told him father like son.
This week Barb (Chads mom) is coming to visit for a few days, so he will get to meet the other side of the family as well. It should be a good week for him coming home and meeting his other grandma! Chad is in heaven, he still was watching the Michigan game in the hospital tonight. Thank goodness we have a private room or people would be looking at us with Chads little outbursts with routing his team on... thank goodness they won... But now the real team plays tonight (Penn State)!

1 comment:

Tina:0) said...

I knew I liked Chad - GO BLUE!!!
Can you believe they pulled that one out?!

Aiden looks great! Keeping the pain under control is such a constant change... hopefully he starts needing less & less!

Hope you have a good visit with your family!

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